Space-time back and forth? It is a legitimate physics possibility since matter and antimatter are the same in any aspect but mirrors of each other. Electrons, positrons, and other particles oppose each other, but in what way? I argue that empty space-time acts as 2 mirror fields, causing matter to behave like antimatter. Same matter in the opposite space-time field act as anti-matter.
Space-time does not move forward in time, as its fields change backward and forward as frequently as Planck time. Space-time remains the same in time scale, only changing directions rapidly between positive and negative(past and future)meaning time goes backward and forward, while matter within this space-time also mirrors itself. However, matter moves forward in time towards the future since we can add all the Planck times in positive space-time intervals. Our universe is the sum of the positive side of space-time, while there is another parallel anti-universe with the same matter but in negative space-time. These two universes never meet and move parallel to each other.
This I claim is the cause of quanta and wave nature of particles since in Plank time any wave energy cut into pixels(Plank time scale)of rapid space-time intervals