Time and space
The smallest time interval that can be measured is known as the Planck time, and it is approximately equal to 10^-43 seconds. The Planck time is a fundamental unit of time that is used to describe the smallest possible intervals of time, and it is based on the properties of the universe at the Planck scale, which is the scale at which the effects of quantum mechanics become significant.
The Planck time is defined as the time it would take a photon of light, traveling at the speed of light, to traverse a distance equal to the Planck length, which is another fundamental unit of length. The Planck length is a very small distance, approximately equal to 1.6 x 10^-35 meters, and the Planck time is correspondingly very short.
The Planck time is currently the most minor time interval that can be meaningfully defined, and it is unknown if it is possible to divide this interval into smaller intervals. The Planck time is based on the properties of the universe at the Planck scale, which is the scale at which the effects of quantum mechanics become significant, and it is currently the smallest unit of time that can be defined in this context.
I claim that time flips every plank time interval forward and backward, causing matter to behave like anti-matter at the backward interval,
Since time is equally half times in a backward state and half in a forward. time itself stays constant but as our universe is made of matter the time for our frame is the sum of all forward time intervals and so for matter time is moving forward to the future/
You can think about time as a wave field that moves plus and minus in time while our universe stays on the plus side point to the future and if you sum all the positive space-time fields waves it is for us as if 1 plank time up and next is down cutting the space-time in our universe into pixels that cause all the wave\quanta behavior of matter. I also argue that time reversal back and forth creates the wave nature of particles and photons, while time splits these waves into quanta by plank time intervals. The more energy there is the faster these intervals appear creating shorter wavelengths.